Some animals have eyes that are quite big in proportion to the rest of their face. It can be quite mesmerizing to look at these animals as they appear to stare back at you. It is almost as if you can tell what they are thinking.
The eyes tend to be one of the first things we notice about a person, and the same goes for animals. You can’t help but see the eyes of some animals because of how big they are.
The characteristics that animals have can vary so much, which is one reason we find them so interesting. It is also why animal documentaries tend to be so popular. There is something special about animals with big eyes, which is valid for insects and lizards, and mammals.
Animals With Big Eyes
There is a scientific reason behind the fact that we love animals with big eyes so much. We feel a sense of protectiveness over babies and young children. Part of this is because their eyes are relatively big compared to an adult. The same reaction occurs when we see an animal with large eyes.
The animals with big eyes that are featured on this list come in all different shapes and sizes. They can be found in every corner of the world. The one thing they do have in common is their large eyes.
Pygmy Marmoset Monkeys

These monkeys tend to be no taller than 6 inches, and they come from the forests of South America. They are an endangered species and shouldn’t be kept as pets, although they continue to be some that are.
However, this does not mean that we can’t appreciate their cuteness. Sharing their photos and raising awareness of their situation is useful in helping to protect them.
It is not always easy to tell if these monkeys are adults or children because they are so small. One easy way to spot the difference is that baby monkeys will have much larger eyes. There is nothing cuter than a tiny monkey with big eyes!
They sometimes appear larger than they are because their fur is fluffy. They are relatively slender animals. Their eyes tend to be bright, and you may find that you are drawn towards looking at them when you view photos of the monkeys.
In the wild, they will make nests in the top of the trees so that they are out of reach of predators. This is also useful as it means that they are close to the fruits that form part of their diet. Their sight is the sense that they rely on the most, and they use it for survival in terms of spotting predators and finding their prey so that they can eat.
The Sphynx Cat

Sphynx Cats do not have any fur, and this makes their large eyes seem even more prominent.
They are the result of a very careful breeding process that has taken several generations to achieve. DNA testing has shown that they are a mix of several different crossbreeds.
Even as kittens, their distinctive looks make them very easy to identify, particularly the lack of hair and wrinkly skin.
Sphynx cats make popular pets. The lack of fur means grooming and washing are quite easy. You will need to bathe them more often than other breeds of cats. However, the fact that they have no fur does also cause some problems.
They can become sunburnt very easily because nothing is protecting their skin. You should try to keep them in the house as much as possible if it is sunny outside.
You also need to make sure that they do not stay out overnight during the winter months. They have no coat to keep them warm, and so there is sadly a real risk that they could freeze to death.
Next on the list is another popular pet with large eyes.
Bunny Rabbit
One of the reasons why bunnies are so cute is their big bright eyes.
Their eyes tend to be quite dark in color, but this does not mean that they do not stand out and catch your attention. If your rabbit is albino, then it will have white fur with red eyes.
Rabbits are really friendly animals and will love to spend hours in your lap getting a lot of fuss, and this is one reason why they make such great pets. They are also good with children and will appreciate all the attention that they receive.
You should not leave your rabbit unattended when they are out of their cage. This is because they may try to dig their way out of the garden. They are also known to chew on things that have been left lying around, which could be dangerous for them.
Rabbits tend to be farsighted, which means they can see predators from some distance away, giving them time to hide in the wild. They have better eyesight than humans at night, but it is not as good as that of other animals. Despite the myth about eating carrots helping you to see at night, rabbits only see as well as we do when it is dark.

There are over 200 different species of an owl, but they all have large eyes, and most of them will be copper in color. They are nocturnal birds that feed on fish, mice, and other small animals. They have excellent eyesight, allowing them to find their prey even when they are flying at a great height. They tend to feed on small animals that are hard to spot, making it even more critical that they can see well.
An owl’s eyes are different from other animals in that the eyeballs remain in a fixed position. However, they can turn their heads up to 270 degrees, allowing them to track their prey before they attack.
The eyeballs are also flattered than human eyes, making it much easier for them to see in the dark. It is believed that only cats have better eyesight at night-time than owls. Owls need to see well in the dark because this is when they do all of their hunting.

Dog’s eyes are very similar to humans in their shape and color. The iris tends to be brown, although this is not always the case. You can tell a lot about what a dog is feeling by looking at their eyes, as they are quite expressive.
When dogs are still puppies, their eyes seem even more extensive. This adds to the cuteness factor.
If we want someone to do something for us, we may give them the puppy dog eyes. This often works because people can’t say no to the eyes in the same way they wouldn’t be able to say no to the puppy.
Dogs have more peripheral vision than humans, but their eyesight is much worse. They do not see as many colors as humans do. If it looks as if your dog is watching TV, he is probably just attracted to the movement and sound on the screen.

Chameleons don’t just have big eyes; they are also really colorful.
Most chameleons live in Africa or Asia, and there are over 150 different species. They are best known for their ability to hide from predators by changing their color. The skin around the eyes can also change color, which helps them to hide even better.
Their eyes are interesting because even though they look large, the aperture they see out of is very small. However, they still have very good eyesight and can spot insects from a fair distance away. They can use their large tongue to reach out and capture these insects.
They have a unique eye construction, which means they can see at 360 degrees. Each eye can move independently from the other one. They can use both eyes to look at the same thing or look at two different objects with each eye. This allows them to stay perfectly still when hiding from prey but still see exactly what is going on around them.

The tarsier is a tiny primate that has enormous eyes. Each of their eyes weighs more than their brains and their stomachs. Their eyeballs cannot move, but they can turn their head 180 degrees in both directions, which gives them a 360-degree field of vision.
Their eyes are the largest in proportion to their body size of any mammal. The part of their brain that processes visual information is also huge.
It is believed that the eyes are so large because they do not have the reflective qualities of most other nocturnal animals. It also suggests that their ancestors may have been active in the daytime.
They once were found worldwide, but today they are found in the rainforests of Indonesia, Borneo, and the Philippines.

Lizard’s eyes are quite similar to human eyes. They can be very expressive, and they also have eyelids that help to keep their eyes moist. Both eyes work together to form one image. Their pupils will contract in response to light.
Lizards are known for their wrinkled skin, and even the skin around their eyes has wrinkles. This is a feature that gives them their resemblance to dinosaurs. This is also a feature that they share with chameleons.
Some lizards have a third eye on the top of their head. This is not used for sight, but instead, it controls hormone production, which is related to how light or dark it is.
Lizards can squeeze or stretch the lenses in their eyes, depending on whether they need to see near or far.
Vision is essential to lizards because they rely on it for survival. They can see colors better than humans can, and they can even distinguish between light colors in dim lighting. Color even helps lizards communicate, and they also use it to make decisions.

Lemurs’ eyes are large compared to the rest of their bodies as they are relatively short in stature. They are also a striking yellow color, which makes them stand out. They are highlighted even more by their pointed snout.
Some lemurs have blue eyes. These may not be as immediately noticeable as yellow eyes; their large size still makes them one of the most recognizable lemur features.
They are native to the island of Madagascar, and the females tend to be dominant. They are nocturnal animals that mainly live in trees.
Lemurs do not have excellent eyesight, and it is believed that they see better at night than they do during the day. This is because they are nocturnal animals. They do not choose their food based on what it looks like, but rather because of its smells.
Tree Frogs

Tree frogs live in rainforests or other areas around water that are humid. Males tend to be much larger than females.
The eyes are large and red in color. This makes them stand out even more against their bright green skin. The eyes are located on either side of their heads. This gives them a good view of the things that are happening around them.
The eyes of enough to make them look cute on their own; However, their mouth’s shape makes it look as if they are smiling, making them even more adorable.
They can rest on most surfaces as the cups on the bottom of their feet have a suction mechanism. This means they can stick to surfaces that other types of frogs may slip off.